Mon – Fri 6:15 AM – 5:30 PM
Weekends, Family Days & Holidays Closed
1679 Ellsworth Street
Ellsworth AFB, SD 57706
Child and Youth Behavioral MFLC

Youth Center
To assist DoD military and civilian personnel in balancing the competing demands of the accomplishment of the DoD mission and family life by managing and delivering a system of quality, available, and affordable programs and services for eligible children and youth from birth through 18 years of age.
Programs and services
School Age Programs
About School Age Care
School Age Care Coordinator – Zoe Taylor
The School Age Care provides supervised recreational, educational, social and cultural programs for eligible youth ages 5-12 in a safe and healthy environment. The program includes the Before and After School, Holiday and Summer Day Camps. The program offers a system called the ‘Choice System’ where children are allowed to pick their area of interest and move around as they choose. Areas of interest include: Art, Dramatic Play, Game Area, Computers, Science, Building, Theatre and Snack. Activities are planned based on children’s needs, interests, culture, or ideas.
Programs and Services
- Before and After School Care
- Holiday and Summer Camps
- Specialty classes
- Sports activities
- Special events and field trips
- Anchored4Life
Youth Sport Programs
About the Youth Sports Progam
Youth Sports should be a great experience for you and your child. Our primary purpose is to provide quality non-school leisure related sports and fitness activities that build self-esteem and motivate your child. We strive to ensure sports and fitness programs are fun for youth and are conducted to encourage continued participation regardless of their athletic ability. There are three objectives in operating a great program:
Provide a safe environment that covers the player, coaches and parents
Create an atmosphere where each child can have fun and enjoy the games
Teach youth the fundamentals of a sport and the enjoyment that come with playing sports
The coaches also need the support of the parents to make your child progress successful. Our children are our future. Youth sports are just one of many ways to reach out and help our youth.
Contact Youth Sports for a list of what’s offered.
Open Rec Programs
About Open Rec Program
The Open Rec Program (Youth Membership Program) provides age appropriate activities and experiences for youth ages 9-18 to include field trips, homework assistance, arts & crafts, science, cooking, music, cultural, community experiences and learning opportunities in safe environments under the supervision of trained program assistants.
This is afterschool only.
The monthly membership fee is $30 per child. Youth who participate in Instructional Classes will pay an additional monthly fee. The monthly fee is determined by the instructor(s) of the classes.
Programs and Services
- Boys & Girls Clubs of America affiliated
- South Dakota 4H affiliated
- Anchored4Life
Teen Programs
About the Teen Program
The Black Hills Teen Center offers high yield and fun activities for teens ages 13-18. Programming offered is designed to meet the needs of our adolescents. Activities are youth-led and designed to foster social/emotional, physical, and cognitive development.
Programs and Services
- Keystone Leadership Council
- Military Youth of the Year Program
4-H Clubs - Congressional Award
- Resume and career building mentorships
- Summer outdoor adventure leadership camps
- Pool Tournaments
- Weekly video game tournaments
- Art supplies
- Ping-pong tables
- Music Center
- Computers available for homework or daily age-appropriate social use
- Anchored4Life
Youth Sponsorship
Youth Programs Residential Camps
US Space & Rocket Center Camp provides youth/teens, ages 12-18 opportunities to explore careers in space and science at the US Space & Rocket Center, Huntsville, AL. Scholarships are available for several sessions such as Aviation Mach, Cyber and Space Academy.
Teen Leadership Camp is for teens aged 14-18 years old who completed their Freshman, Sophomore, or Junior year in high school for the 2023/2024 School Year. The goal of the camp is to build character, leadership, and resilience for young people. Participants will challenge themselves to try new experiences, build a support network of peers and adult advisors, and create a sense of community with other military teens at Cheley Colorado Camp which borders Rocky Mountain National Park.
Teen Aviation Camp at USAF Academy is for teens aged 14-16 years old who completed their Freshman or Sophomore year of high school for the 2023/2024 school year. The goal of the camp is to build character, leadership and gain the US Air Force Academy experience. The week-long camp will focus on careers in aviation, engineering, science, and leadership.
For more information, please view the PDF file.
2024 Department of the Air Force Residential Camps Information Sheet
Completed applications must be submitted by a parent or guardian NLT 3 May 2024, through the DAF Camps workflow box at: Those who are selected to attend the camps will be announced no later than 13 May 2024.
2024 Department of the Air Force Residential Camps PDF application
Youth Events
ICE Comment Cards
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